Help us make Lily’s dream come true.

Kickstarter campaign now live!
I’d guess that most of you heard the sad news back in December that Caroline Låås aka ”Lily Locksmith” suddenly passed away in her home due to a severe cerebral hamorrhage.
She was only 37 years old, way too young.

Caroline was a fighter and it doesn’t seem to be that long ago when she came to me, just after she’d beaten a severe cancer and said that she was ready to bring her music to the world, that she was determined to make her voice heard.
I told her that it’ll take a lot of hard work to make it happen and that she’d have a lot to learn, but if we start with making some fine music she’d learn along the way.
It is not only making music that goes into being an artist, there is alot more to it believe me.
And in retrospective maybe I should have ”curled” her a little bit more to make the ride a bit smother, I don’t know.
But I did not want her to be too spoiled, I wanted her to learn how to handle things and get to know what it takes.
We had been working on her debut album and it was just about ready when Covid hit the world and put everything on pause.
To release the album on vinyl was her dream, something she talked about from the start, and I am so very sad that she never got to see and hold that album in her hands, this I am feeling more than a bit guilty of, as I kept postponing the release due to the Covid situation.
I was to afraid that it would be tough to make brake-even and that the album would not get the attention it deserved.
Maybe it would have worked anyway, I don’t know.
At least she’d been there to witness it.
When attending her funeral in January, a lot of people asked me and the band members about the recordings, would the album be released?
It was clear to us that we need finish the last details and release the album.
I spent that evening with her family and friends, we all shared memories, good and bad, laughter and tears.
During the evening as I spoke to Janina (Caroline’s mother), she said ”Release the record,on both vinyl and CD, I want the whole world to be able to hear her voice”.
I promised her that we would make it happen.
However it is hard to sell records as it is nowadays, and it is even more difficult when an artist is not out playing gigs and meeting an audience as a lot of the records are sold on these occasions.
Therefore we are asking for your support.
Today, March 20:th we are launching a Kickstarter campaign trying to raise the funds it takes to make a vinyl album.
There are some different rewards available at different levels, whatever you decide upon is truly appreciated. Some are very limited and unique, one is even truly a one of a kind gem.
Help us honor the music of Lily Locksmith and to keep her legacy alive.
And most of all, let’s make her dream come true.
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