CD – Straight From The Heart

JLT - Straight From The Heart

149.00 kr

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It’s been  three years since John Lindberg Trio released a new album.
Now the wait is over, on April 21:st we’ll release their new album “Straight From The Heart”


We know that a lot fans have been waiting for this as we constantly get contacted by people who wants to know when there’ll be something new out.


On March 24 you’ll get a taste of what to come as the first single “This Is What You Get” is released digitally to all platforms. The band did a special performance and played the song live on Facebook to celebrate the release. You can watch the performance here


We recorded the album during three sessions here in our studio in Enviken. The first session took place shortly after Nathanael joined the band and it was a great start for the guys to really melt together as a unit.


Our Studer tape recorder was really put to work and we utilized all the space in the building as all reverbs you’ll here on this album is actually created the old fashioned way with real live rooms and off course tape delay wich is an important part of the sound aswell.


This is a strong rock album that really incorporates all the influences and inspiration JLT has gathered over the years.

It got the driving guitars, the groove from the slap-bass, solid hard hittin’ drums and on top of that excellent vocals.


It may be hard to pinpoint JLT’s music but whatever you prefer to call it you know it’s gonna ROCK!



This Is What You Get


Sweet Love

Double Talking

Sing With Us Tonight

You Belong To Me

Left My Rebel Soul For A Broken Heart

I’ll Be There

Straight From The Heart

Danger Us

This Magic Moment

Johnny Got A Tommy Gun

All Shook Up


Additional information

Weight110 g
Dimensions14 × 13 × 0.5 cm