New album from Mike Teardrop Trio!


Finally it is time for more Countryfied Rockabilly from Mike Teardrop Trio.

Their debut album “Hangin’ Around” was a great success and put the band on the map, now we are proud to present their sophomore album “Till The Dawn”.

With a driving Slap-bass, great harmonies and a touch of good ol´Country music in there somewhere they have formed a sound not present in many bands today and it is evident that they fill a void out there.

During the vinter of 2019 they entered the studio here in Enviken and started recording new songs and according to the reactions so far it looks like they’ve got a winner!

They have picked songs from classic 50’s artists aswell as contemporary bands such as The Barnshakers, Di Maggio Bros and The Nu-Niles, and on top of that we also get 5 original songs.

This a very strong album that will appeal to lovers of both Rockabilly and Country.

Order your copy HERE

Check out this video teaser for the single that is just released:


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